Scientific Advice Mechanism issues recommendations for uptake of artificial intelligence in research and innovation

The European Commission’s Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM) issued its independent policy recommendations on encouraging the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in research and innovation throughout the EU.
Guidelines on the responsible use of generative AI in research developed by the European Research Area Forum

This brochure presents the objectives and expected impact of a new wave of projects, grouping them under the relevant Horizon Europe topics.
Senior Research Officer Position at the University of Essex

This brochure presents the objectives and expected impact of a new wave of projects, grouping them under the relevant Horizon Europe topics.
Horizon Europe: new projects in AI, Data and Robotics – 2024 Edition

This brochure presents the objectives and expected impact of a new wave of projects, grouping them under the relevant Horizon Europe topics.
Shaping the Future with AI: Inside the European AI Office’s Mission for Trustworthy Technology

On February 22, 2024, mark your calendars for an exclusive online event where Adra-e, AIonDemand, and the European Commission will unveil a fresh wave of projects funded through Horizon 2023 and 2022 calls.
ELOQUENCE Project Announces Its Community of Experts

On February 22, 2024, mark your calendars for an exclusive online event where Adra-e, AIonDemand, and the European Commission will unveil a fresh wave of projects funded through Horizon 2023 and 2022 calls.
Launch Event: Showcasing the Future of Innovation in AI, Data, and Robotics – A Sneak Peek into Tomorrow’s Technology Landscape

On February 22, 2024, mark your calendars for an exclusive online event where Adra-e, AIonDemand, and the European Commission will unveil a fresh wave of projects funded through Horizon 2023 and 2022 calls.