The Future of Multilingual Chatbots

Globalisation nowadays contributed to the increase of the interaction between people and businesses across different countries and, therefore it influenced languages to upscale. Development of the multilingual chatbots contributes to such interactions. The ELOQUENCE project is implementing this technological progress with a concentration on developing voice and chatbot systems that work with unstructured dialogues. Through this blog, discover the certain future of multilingual chatbots and also how ELOQUENCE will affect them.

The obstacles linked to unstructured dialogues

Essentially, dialogue engines powered by voice assistants have already been used in many call-centre and governmental use cases, from utilities to emergencies. However, the challenge yet to solve is to evaluate and perform an analysis of such communications, which are generally deviated or free form unscripted dialogues.

The European Commission in January 2024 announced the following statement:

“AI systems and machine learning approaches have great potential to be used in producing and disseminating European statistics by extracting information from both structured and unstructured data; assisting labour-intensive data processing and data validation; and improving users’ experience with statistics and data.” 

After months of using Artificial Intelligence, some issues related to the unstructured dialogues have been identified:

  • Context Awareness: The ability to know what to say in a conversation due to the understanding of the topic of discussion.
  • Language Diversity: Such as how to work with multiple languages and multiple dialects of the same language.
  • Dynamic Interactions: Being able to follow the general tone of the conversations since human is not always straight-forward with what they are saying and tone.

ELOQUENCE’s approach in that manner is to create language models that are explainable, safe, knowledge-based and trustworthy. This entails the design of paradigms that not only recognize the nature of unstructured dialogues but also oversee the complexities therein.

The role and future of multilingualism

Unlike other projects, ELOQUENCE’s important component is the extensive use of all European languages. Thus, through the development of multilingual chatbots, ELOQUENCE is about promoting inclusion and increasing individuals’ access to technology.

How can society benefit from multilingual chatbots?

These chatbots can increase accessibility, ensuring understanding of the services, instead of having a language barrier. Likewise, bots can appreciate and embrace cultural differences in order to improve the satisfaction of users. The abovementioned, due to chatbots, businesses and services can reach out to a bigger market of its customers in other regions.

Multilingual chatbots will have constant upgrades of the language models in order to enable better functioning for many other variations. Also, the future will bring human-in-the-loop, meaning human supervision where chatbots are trained, so that the correct result is learned, and the user is provided with the best experience.

Looking into the future, there is great potential for the use of multilingual chatbots in changes in the digital sphere. The ELOQUENCE project is at the forefront of this change with an aim to build interpretable, safe, and low bias language models fit for the dynamics of unstructured conversations.
