Call for expression of interest in the first general-purpose AI Code of Practice

On the 30th of July, the European AI Office released a call for expressions of interest to participate in the drawing-up of the first general-purpose AI Code of Practice. 

In a field with enviable expansion, it is important to ensure that the development of AI is safe and ethical. European Commission along with the AI Office introduced the AI Act, which is the first legal framework that has been developed to accommodate AI in the world. The terms of this regulatory framework seek to build common rules for creating and using AI and define them with the help of a general-purpose AI code.

The AI Act enters into force today, on the 1st of August and the code is supposed to be prepared in an iterative drafting process by April 2025. 

It covers many aspects of AI creation, including risky applications, non-specialized AI systems, and minor applications of AI, giving a strong structure to govern the developers, companies, and governments. In that manner, the AI Office invites stakeholders, including industry players, researchers, and civil society, to contribute to the development of the AI Act. Public consultations and expert workshops will be organized to gather diverse perspectives and ensure that the Act reflects the needs and values of all stakeholders.

Get Involved:

  • Join Consultations: Participate in public consultations and provide feedback on the proposed regulations.
  • Engage with Experts: Attend workshops and discussions to share insights and collaborate on shaping the future of AI regulation.

Learn More: Express your interest by 25 August 2024, 18:00 CET, through this application form and find more detailed information on the AI Act and how to participate, visit the European Commission’s official website here.
